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Lookahead-Based SMT Solving,
, LPAR-22, November 2018, Awassa, Ethiopia, (2018)
Modeling for Verification,
, Handbook of Model Checking, (2018)
Modeling for Verification,
, Handbook of Model Checking, (2018)
SMTS: Distributed, Visualized Constraint Solving,
, {LPAR-22.} 22nd International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning, Awassa, Ethiopia, 16-21 November 2018, (2018)
Duality-Based Interpolation for Quantifier-Free Equalities and Uninterpreted Functions,
, 17th Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD 2017) , TU Wien, Vienna, Austria,, (2017)
HiFrog: SMT-based Function Summarization for Software Verification,
, 23rd International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), Uppsala, (2017)
LRA Interpolants from No Man's Land,
, Haifa Verification Conference (HVC), (2017)
Theory Refinement for Program Verification,
, SAT 2017, Melbourne, Australia, (2017)
Clause Sharing and Partitioning for Cloud-Based SMT Solving,
, ATVA 2016, (2016)
Flexible Interpolation for Efficient Model Checking,
, MEMICS 2016, (2016)
Property Directed Equivalence via Abstract Simulation,
, CAV 2016, (2016)
PVAIR: Partial Variable Assignment InterpolatoR,
, FASE2016, (2016)
Automated Discovery of Simulation Between Programs,
, LPAR, (2015)
Decision Procedures for Flat Array Properties,
, J. Autom. Reasoning, 04/2015, Volume 54, Issue 4, p.352, (2015)
A new Acceleration-based Combination Framework for Array Properties,
, FROCOS 2015, (2015)
A Proof-Sensitive Approach for Small Propositional Interpolants,
, VSTTE 2015, (2015)
Search-Space Partitioning for Parallelizing SMT Solvers,
, SAT 2015, (2015)
Search-Space Partitioning for Parallelizing SMT Solvers,
, MEMICS2015, (2015)
Symbolic Detection of Assertion Dependencies for Bounded Model Checking,
, 18th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), (2015)
Decision Procedures for Flat Array Properties,
, TACAS, Grenoble, France, (2014)
Incremental Verification of Compiler Optimizations,
, NASA Formal Methods (NFM), Houston, Texas, USA, (2014)
On Interpolants and Variable Assignments,
, Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), Lausanne, Switzerland, (2014)
Towards completeness in Bounded Model Checking through Automatic Recursion Depth Detection,
, Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF), Maceio, Brazil., (2014)