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LRA Interpolants from No Man's Land, Alt, Leonardo, Hyvärinen Antti E. J., and Sharygina Natasha , Haifa Verification Conference (HVC), (2017)
Loopfrog: A Static Analyzer for ANSI-C Programs, Kroening, D., Sharygina Natasha, Tonetta S., Tsitovich A., and Wintersteiger C.M. , The 24th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, (2009)
Loop summarization using state and transition invariants, Kroening, D., Sharygina Natasha, Tonetta S., Tsitovich A., and Wintersteiger C.M. , Formal Methods in System Design, Volume 42, (2013)
Loop Summarization using Abstract Transformers, Kroening, D., Sharygina Natasha, Tonetta S., Tsitovich A., and Wintersteiger C.M. , 6th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA), Seoul, South Korea, (2008)
Loop Summarization and Termination Analysis, Tsitovich, Aliaksei, Sharygina Natasha, Wintersteiger Christoph M., and Kroening Daniel , International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), Volume 6605, Saarbrü Germany, p.81-95, (2011)
Lookahead-Based SMT Solving, Hyvärinen, Antti E. J., Marescotti Matteo, Sadigova Parvin, Chockler Hana, and Sharygina Natasha , LPAR-22, November 2018, Awassa, Ethiopia, (2018)
Lookahead in Partitioning SMT, Hyvärinen, Antti E. J., Marescotti Matteo, and Sharygina Natasha , Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design - FMCAD 2021, Online Conference, (2021)
Leveraging Interpolant Strength in Model Checking, Rollini, S.F., Sery O., and Sharygina Natasha , 24th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV), Berkeley, California, USA, (2012)
Lazy Abstraction with Interpolation for Arrays, Alberti, Francesco, Bruttomesso R., Ghilardi S., Ranise S., and Sharygina Natasha , 18th International Conference on Logic for Programming Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR), Mérida, Venezuela, (2012)
Lattice-based SMT for program verification, Even Mendoza, Karine, Hyvärinen Antti E. J., Chockler Hana, and Sharygina Natasha , International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design, (MEMOCODE), (2019)
Lattice-Based Refinement in Bounded Model Checking, Even-Mendoza, Karine, Asadi Sepideh, Hyvärinen Antti, Chockler Hana, and Sharygina Natasha , VSTTE, 07/2018, (2018)