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Clause Sharing and Partitioning for Cloud-Based SMT Solving,
, ATVA 2016, (2016)
Flexible Interpolation for Efficient Model Checking,
, MEMICS 2016, (2016)
PVAIR: Partial Variable Assignment InterpolatoR,
, FASE2016, (2016)
A Proof-Sensitive Approach for Small Propositional Interpolants,
, VSTTE 2015, (2015)
Search-Space Partitioning for Parallelizing SMT Solvers,
, SAT 2015, (2015)
Search-Space Partitioning for Parallelizing SMT Solvers,
, MEMICS2015, (2015)
Symbolic Detection of Assertion Dependencies for Bounded Model Checking,
, 18th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), (2015)
Verification-Aided Regression Testing,
, ISSTA, 06/2014, (2014)
Interpolation-based model checking for efficient incremental analysis of software,
, IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, (2013)
PeRIPLO: A Framework for Producing Efficient Interpolants for SAT-based Software Verification,
, Logic for Programming Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR), Stellenbosch, South Africa, (2013)
PINCETTE - Validating Changes and Upgrades in Networked Software,
, 17th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, (2013)