For the build a modulo operation lattice, we translate to SMT-Lib2 format and use the following (name as is from Coq) lemmas: mod_pos_bound, mod_neg_bound, Z_mod_remainder, Z_mod_lt, Zmod_eq_full, Zmod_eq, Zmod_0_l, Zmod_0_r, Zmod_1_l, Zmod_1_r, Z_mod_same_full, Z_mod_mult, Zmod_opp_opp, Z_mod_zero_opp_full, Z_mod_nz_opp_full, Z_mod_zero_opp_r, Z_mod_nz_opp_r, and theorems: Zmod_small, Zmod_le, Zmod_unique_full, Zmod_unique, Zmod_mod. Note: name as is from Coq webpage: